Hammertoe Treatment Specialist in NYC

Hammer toe surgery performed by Top Podiatrist, Dr. Nelya Lobkova in TriBeCa, Downtown New York. City (NYC).

According To Dr. Nelya Lobkova

Podiatrist / Foot Doctor / Hammertoe Treatment Specialist, Dr. Nelya Lobkova, DPM of Downtown New York City Tribeca & founder of Step Up Footcare explains Hammertoe Surgery.Hammer toe deformity is a muscle imbalance of the tendons surrounding the toes. Different foot types can lead to different muscles overpowering one another to result in abnormal curling of the toes. The cause for these imbalances is typically a combination of genetics, footwear, and activities. Although tight-fitted shoes alone cannot cause hammer toes, they can cause the formation of a corn or thickened skin due to friction of the shoe rubbing against the impacted toe joint. Book a visit with NYC's top Podiatrist and Hammertoe Specialist, Dr. Nelya Lobkova at Step Up Footcare in our TriBeCa Downtown NYC location to discuss your hammertoe treatment options.

Can hammer toe pain get better on it’s own?

Since there is a muscle imbalance involved, it is not possible for hammer toes to resolve on their own. However, it is possible to decrease pain and formation of painful corns by wearing footwear with wide toe boxes and decent arch support, kinesio taping the toes, and/or using silicone toe pads or toe separators. If conservative measures have not helped address pain and deformity associated with hammer toes, surgical procedures to fix the hammer toe should be considered.

What about the corns between my toes? Is there a way to get rid of them safely?

The corns on the inside of toes are called “soft corns”. They form due to the friction created between the base of one toe bone rubbing against another toe bone. Soft corns, despite their name, could be painful and nucleated (contain a hard center). It is possible to address these by adding a minimal amount of cushion between the two bony prominences internally via Sculptra filler injection. The injection option is not permanent and may need to be repeated in eight months to one year. A safe and effective way to permanently address a soft corn is to perform a minimal incision or minimally invasive procedure that shaves the bony prominences that are rubbing against each other. 

What is involved in hammer toe surgery?

Hammer toe surgery is a highly effective procedure. Dr. Lobkova performs a step-by-step approach to reduce the hammer toe deformity in  a minimally invasive manner. Flexible hammer toes (those that can be straightened by pushing on them) could be fixed at one joint, whereas rigid or stiff hammer toes need to be addressed at two joints and require a slightly more extensive procedure. Dr. Lobkova advises to correct hammer toes via minimal incision or minimally invasive surgery, based on the patient’s eligibility, in order to reduce scarring and stiffness following the procedure. Hammer toe open surgery technique typically involves either opening the joint and removing part of it via a procedure called arthroplasty or fusing it. 

What is the recovery after hammer toe surgery?

Following hammer toe surgery via open technique, recovery usually involves wearing a special surgical shoe for 3-4 weeks. While, hammer toe repair via minimal incision technique typically involves wearing a special surgical shoe for 1-2 weeks. The open technique requires a longer healing time and typically creates more swelling since the joint was exposed for repair. Both techniques never take you off your feet and keep you walking throughout the recovery process. Dr. Lobkova carefully assesses X-RAY imaging and takes into account your symptoms to come to a conclusion on which hammertoe correction surgery and technique is right for you. Start the conversation today at Step Up Footcare.