Bunion Surgery Specialist in NYC


Minimally Invasive Bunion Correction

Get rid of the “bump” and fit into your favorite shoes - TriBeCa New York City


According To Dr. Nelya Lobkova

Podiatrist / Foot Doctor / Bunion Surgery specialist, Dr. Nelya Lobkova, DPM of Downtown New York City Tribeca founder of Step Up Footcare explains Bunion Surgery (bunionectomy) techniques and considerations. Bunions (hallux valgus) are caused by a genetic predisposition that causes the big toe to shift internally out of place. Although conservative treatment may slow down the progression of the bunion, only surgical correction or a bunionectomy can permanently fix it. Without surgical bunion repair, progression is inevitable, thus it’s just a matter of time that a mild bunion will become a moderate to severe bunion. If you are suffering from a bunion book a visit with NYC's top Podiatrist and Bunion Surgery specialist, Dr. Nelya Lobkova at Step Up Footcare in our TriBeCa Downtown NYC location to have your bunion extertly treated.

Will I always have pain with walking / running / sports?

Bunions are characterized by the big toe joint shifting internally out of place causing a painful bump on the side of the foot that limits joint mobility. Essentially, due to this shift there is only a small portion of the big toe articulating with the first metatarsal. The non-articulating surface of the joint grows bigger and becomes the prominent and characteristic “bump” associated with bunions. The “bump” that forms can cause numbness and tingling in the big toe due to bone pressing against the nerve. The joint deviation also limits joint mobility, which is key in high impact activities such as running and most sports.

Will I never wear my favorite high heel pump or dress shoe again? 

Never say never! But let’s face it, the “bump” prevents us from fitting into most high-heel and narrow toe-box footwear as well as most Men's European-made dress shoes. This limits our footwear selection. There are many pumps and dress shoes that could be worn if it weren’t for the bump on the inside contour of the foot. Custom orthotics and Kinesio Taping may temporarily help fit certain shoe types.

Can my bunion cause other problems OR complications? 

As the bunion progresses, the biomechanical orientation of the muscles surrounding the great toe joint shifts in an unfavorable position. It is common to develop pain over the top of the foot or the ball of the foot due to these biomechanical changes. Custom Orthotics, Kinesio Taping, and other conservative treatments can help manage the onset of these complications, however, only bunion surgery can permanently prevent them. 

What are the types of bunion surgery and which type is right for me?

Bunion Surgery or a bunionectomy should only be considered once conservative care is exhausted. Surgical bunion repair typically involves resection of the bump and/or realignment of the great toe joint. There are multiple types of bunion surgery including open surgery techniques involving hardware and immobilization as well as minimally invasive techniques without hardware and minimal immobilization. Based on X-RAY imaging and clinical examination, Dr. Lobkova, New York City’s top Bunion Surgery Specialist, will be able to advise on the type of surgery and surgical technique that is right for you. It’s important to be proactive. Book an appointment online to start the conversation at Step Up Footcare today.

What does the recovery period look like following bunion surgery?

Recovery after bunion surgery or a bunionectomy involves resting, elevation, taping, and icing. It is important to take proper care of the operated foot no matter which procedure is performed. Surgeries done using the open technique require 4-6 weeks of immobilization in a walking boot, depending on the specific bone procedure (or osteotomy) performed. Surgeries performed using the minimally invasive technique require 4-6 weeks in a flat surgical shoe without the need to immobilize during this duration. Typically, there is less pain and swelling post-operatively with the minimally invasive technique due to a diminished amount of trauma on the soft tissue during the procedure.