OK so if you’re not ready for the polar plunge…try a contrast bath!

Contrast bathing as a post-aerobic workout rehabilitation exercise has been proven to be beneficial for two specific reasons:

  1. Increase in “vascular exercise” for the arterial and lymphatic vessels.

  2. Increase in “pumping out” the metabolic waste accumulate in the muscle after aerobic exercise


  • Get 2 tubs or buckets.

  • Fill one with water ranging between 100-110 degrees F. 

  • Fill the other with water ranging between 50-50 degrees F. 

  • Start with hot, soaking the limbs for 4-5 minutes, then cold tub for 1 minute, interchanging for a total of 20 minutes. 

Happy soaking!

And remember call or make an appointment with us at Step Up Footcare for your foot and ankle needs.