NYC Beware: Summertime SLIDES Cause More Foot Pain Than Fashion Gain

Summer is here...finally! But so is that dreaded trend...the slides! Fashionistas beware: the Cha Cha slides may be super cute and easy to throw in your bag but they have a hidden fatal flaw.

Summer is here...finally! But so is that dreaded trend...the slides! Fashionistas beware: the Cha Cha slides may be super cute and easy to throw in your bag but they have a hidden fatal flaw. The side-to-side instability of the heel causes extensive strain on the lateral ankle and the IT band. Ouch! Stick to another popular trend. Heard the grandpa sneaker? Try the grandpa sandal! That's right...grandpas are getting their miles in with these comfy sandals so why can't you! Try walking around the city in that summer dress and those outdoor rugged tourist-style sneaker/sandals for the ultimate comfort and chic look. These sandals have thick footbeds that contour the arch of the foot and a rubbery sole that provides traction even when caught in a sudden summer storm.

We all know that flip flops aren't podiatrist-friendly but I love my thong sandals too. My one rule: two points of closure around the foot and ankle to allow for stability and prevent the toe-gripping hammertoe-causing effects of the $2 flip-flops. Not to mention how many splinters and glass I remove from feet that are barefoot or flip-flop clad. Trying to catch a bus with your flip-flops?? I'll race you for that broken nail!

Interested in finding out more about summer shoes and my personal faves?? Come for a consultation at Step Up Footcare in our Downtown NYC location.